Smart Automation


Our software was designed for automation. Rather than just streamline and centralize repetitive operational tasks, we automate them away.

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Smart Shipping

Using our shipping automation allows you to send 10 times the number of shipments. Every step and feature of our shipping process was designed to reduce or automate away any manual steps. We include batch shipping, smart rate shopping, group label printing, automated quality control, and more!

Automation saves our customers hundreds of labor hours per month.


Smart Replenishment

Chondrion’s automated replenishment feature will automatically recommend reorder amounts. The system learns sales patterns over time, and adjusts accordingly to make sure you never run out of inventory or oversell. Our built in automated PO system makes reordering a breeze.

Save tens of thousand of dollars each month on shipping costs, returns, errors, and lost sales.


Smart Repricing

Our proprietary intelligent algorithm allows you to automate your pricing across all your sales channels based on configurable settings. Capture the Buy Box more often, all without lifting a finger.